Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Congo Update - Heza

Hello Brothers and Sisters!

Many of you have been asking how Heza is I thought I'd show
you :)

The attached movie was taken in our beloved Isuzu Trooper and she is
sitting on David Kassali's oldest sister's lap - a WONDERFUL women of
the Lord who's name escapes me - pole sana! (very sorry!)

By the way - I'm sending this from our home!! We are testing the
internet connection and then turning it off until we can power it -
please pray for the solar energy!


Congo Update - UCBC Worship #2

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Just thought you'd like to see another worship video - this time taken from the back of UCBC's truck!


Congo Update - Transportation

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I thought I'd send you a video of motorcycle travel here in Beni! Enjoy
the video and pray for our and the student's safety as we travel back
and forth on a daily basis. Also, continue to pray for the bus!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Congo Update - Mourning a Loss

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Two nights ago a student's wife passed suddenly during childbirth. Both Mother and child have passed. Yesterday, the entire UCBC student body mourned with Papa Thomas over the loss of his wife.

Right now, Thomas is strong but we fear that soon the reality will set in...please join us in praying for his comfort - that the Lord would manifest Himself to Papa Thomas and bring him peace during this difficult time!

Loss and suffering are common here in the Congo....but when one of us suffers, we all share in the suffering.

Attached is a short video of the funeral...
