Friday, April 11, 2008

DRC Realities

One of the most fertile lands in Africa cannot properly feed its own population. Children are needlessly malnourished. With the right education/training, malnutrition will be stamped out overnight. Our friend Josh, an agricultural specialist from Heal Africa in Goma, is planning to visit and implement his agricultural plan! We pray that our Agricultural budget will receive funding by the time he arrives in two weeks - please pray with us for the funding!

One of Africa's wealthiest nations in natural resources is also one of its poorest. This wealth is the Congolese greatest hope and greatest curse. Many wars have been fought over it. Many people are enslaved to extract it. Pray for financial independence of the Congolese people. Pray for our micro-enterprise program. Pray for the students at UCBC that are training the become economists.

Over the past month I've learned that poisoning is very common. Most the Pastors and Church leaders I've met have been poisoned multiple times. Our own Festo Kasali is suffering from being poisoned. Pray for his healing and the protection of the Congolese Church leadership.

Tribal conflict has been a way of life - our friend's ministry visits different tribes, calling for reconciliation through the cross of Christ. Former militia members have said "the UN has disarmed us of our weapons, but Jesus has disarmed us of hatred". Millions of dollars have been spent by NGOs in negotiation tactics with little effect. The Gospel has triumphed where the world's wisdom has failed - please pray for this ministry!!

Corruption and lies are a way of life for many here. A government that publicly approved of lies and theft as a means of surrvival has recently been overthrown but the effects are still here. This country has been old to the father of lies, statan, and desperately needs holy men and women, setapat by God for the leadership of Congo. Pray for the future leaders at UCBC. That they would be transformed in order to transform their nation and redeem it.

Sexual Violence
It is estimated that over 50% of the women in this region have been a victim of sexual violence...pray for wisdom and direction of the Holistic Family Center that will be dealing with these issues! For an eye-opening article on sexual violence in Congo, visit: